Salt Springs Park Salt Springs Park is designated as the city’s 12th park . Saline’s newest park was founded after discovery that connects to the town’s ancient natural features – salt springs. City Councillor James Peters discovered the active spring while walking along a stretch of the 15-acre city-owned parcel along the eastern bank of the Saline River, north of the DNR fish ponds. Inspired by the discovery, Peters spearheaded a campaign to convert the property into an official city park that functions as a nature preserve and provides residents with some information about Saline’s distant past. The park will now be available for all to enjoy as a unique park dedicated to Saline’s local heritage. Salt Spring Parks is a great way to celebrate American military history, prominent explorers and native Americans. “The Park is really is a treasure for everyone. Botanists say there may be very unusual plants because of the high mineral content,” Bourgoin said. The Parks Commission, Saline Area Historic Society, Saline Historic District Commission, Saline Planning Commission, Saline River Greenway Alliance and Huron Valley Archaeological Society also supported the Salt Springs Park effort. Visit the City of Saline website to learn more>> Best Contact: Carla Scruggs 734- 429-4907 | Email » Saline, Michigan 48176 Website »