Tell us about your event! Are you hosting an event in the Greater Saline area? We want to know about it so we can add it to our calendar! Tips for Entering Your Event To get started, you’ll want to make sure you have the following details for your event:Event description Event date The time your event starts and ends Event website URL (if one exists) Event venue details (e.g., address, phone, etc). Helpful Tip: Check out the list of previously-saved venues to see if your venue details are already in our system. Event organizer (e.g., address, phone, email, website). Helpful Tip: Check out the list of previously-saved organizers to see if your organizer has already been added in our system. Event image. We prefer small JPG or PNG images, about 500 pixels wide by 400 tall. If you don’t have one, don’t worry — we’ll contact you about getting one at a later time. Select an Event Category. You can decide to either leave this blank or to select whatever seems appropriate. We’ll make sure to review all of your event details before adding your event to your calendar, and we’ll contact you if we have any questions. Get Started Now: Complete the event form here »